First week:
Feed roses.
Watch for mites on roses, shrubs, trees and
ground covers.
Control Japanese beetles on roses, crape myrtle,
grapes and other host plants. Keep in mind, traps attract beetles, so hang them
away from the plant you want to protect.
Harvest and hang herbs before they go to bloom.
Tie in little bunches and hang in a ventilated warm space to cure. After
thoroughly dried, put in sealed jars for winter use.
Second week:
Pinch back chrysanthemums for the last time.
Deadhead rhododendrons to increase next year’s
flowers. Remember to remove only spent flower heads. Do not damage newly
expanded leaves.
Keep all newly planted and shrubs watered; soak
thoroughly once a week, either mornings or early evenings.
Increase the mowing heights on your lawn mower
during dry, hot summer days.
Prepare to harvest onions. When seedpods start
to form, turn tops down and allow another two weeks for the onions to ripen
before harvesting. Dry harvested onions in the shade before storing.
Third week:
Check tomatoes for late blight and fruit for
hornworms. Treat with a product labeled for that purpose. Handpick hornworms
and destroy them.
Water shrubs and trees planted this year, if
Harvest vine-ripened fruits.
Last week:
Continue efforts to control Japanese beetles and
other garden pests.
Divide bearded iris when clumps are too large.