Monday, February 23, 2009

Sussex County Spring Workshops

A Backyard Habitat – Cece Niemi –

Tuesday, March 10 at 1 p.m. –Carvel Center.

See and hear natures own animal kingdom in your backyard.

Your property can become a home to birds, bees, butterflies,

and turtles to name a few. Hear about

one gardeners journey to creating a certified

Backyard Wildlife Habitat.

Companion Planting – Linda Peters and Ana Dittel

Tuesday, March 24 at 7 p.m. – Carvel Center.

Companion planting is the idea that certain plants benefit others

when planted in near proximity. We will discuss the scientific and

traditional bases for these plant associations A companion planting

chat for herbs, vegetables and flowers will be provided.

Rain Gardens – Nancy Davis –

Tuesday, April 21 at 7 p.m. – Carvel Center.

What happens to rainwater around your home? Ever have problems

with excess drainage? Trouble with erosion? Want to improve your

water quality? A "Rain Garden" may be your answer.

Flower Arranging – Wendy Aycoth –

Tuesday, May 12 at 1 p.m. – Carvel Center.

Learn flower arranging and design from an expert trained in England

and the US. Bring a smll container (6" long and 3" deep) waterproof

basket, or box with a lid. A tuna can painted flat black will also work.

You will need to bring floral shesrs or scissors and greenery cut the

previous evening if possible. You will make a beautiful crescent

shaped floral design to enjoy in your home, A $6.00 materials fee

will becollected on the day of the workshop.

Making Hypertufa Pots Carolyn Donahoe –

Demonstration Garden.

Two workshops are scheduled. Choose from:

Tuesday, June 2 at 10 a.m. or

Tuesday, June 9 at 1 p.m.

Each workshop is limited to 15 participants.

Materials fee of $15. You will make a hypertufa pot to take home.

Bring heavy-duty latex gloves.

Sussex County Extension Office is located on Route 9, approxiamtely 4.5 miles west from 113 & 9 intersections. We are on the same side of the road as Sussex Tech High School, and a short distance west.
The Demonstration Garden is behind the Carvel Building. Turn after the Gazebo and look for the blue and gold tent. Meeting Rooms are located in the Carvel Building . Signs will be posted for your convenience

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