Friday, November 5, 2010


First week in November:
Finish planting spring flowering bulbs.
Cut back and mulch perennials. This mulch will insulate them from the winter cold, and cutting them back will give them a tidy appearance.
 Dig up dahlias, caladiums, gladiolus, etc. Wash away soil, dry, label and place in a bag or box; cover with sphagnum, moss, sawdust or perlite. Store in a cool, dry place.

Second Week:
 Drain and take in garden hoses and sprinklers to avoid freezing damage.
 Transplant trees and shrubs after leaves have dropped.
 Prevent mice and rabbits from damaging young trees by wrapping the base of the trunk 18 in. high with screening.
 Cut back roses 18-20 in. and mulch heavily to give them protection and help them survive the winter.

Third Week:
 Fertilize shade trees and peach trees.
 After frost has killed the leaf stalks on perennial vegetables, such as asparagus and rhubarb, cut leaf materials down to ground level.
 Mulch evergreens.
 To prevent winter windburn, thoroughly water all trees and shrubs weekly until the ground freezes.

Final Week:
 After chrysanthemums have stopped blooming, cut the stems back to ground level and add these stems, dried leaves and branches to the compost pile.
 After leaves have fallen, go into the woods and collect grapevines for making wreaths. While in the woods, collect nuts, old bird nests and pine cones to be used for decorating.
 Check guy wires around newly planted trees to make sure they will not be damaged by windy weather throughout the fall and winter.

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