Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Delaware Cooperative Extension, Delaware State University

Here’s your gardening calendar for March.

For the first half of March:

· Finish pruning shrubs and ornamental trees, except spring flowering shrubs before growth starts. Prune spring flowering shrubs (lilac, forsythia, etc.), as soon as they finish flowering.

· In addition, finish pruning home fruit trees. Do not leave stubs; they usually die and become great entry ways for fungus.

· To prevent the infection of fungal spores and bacteria into the plant as a result of fresh cuts, do not prune in damp or wet weather.

· Plan your vegetable garden on paper. Use space efficiently and rotate vegetables to reduce insect and disease problems.

· Turn your compost pile or start one.

· If soil is dry enough, begin primary soil tillage.

· Add soil nutrients based on results of soil test.

· To support newly transplanted trees from spring winds, use flexible ties between rigid stakes.

· If weeds are beginning to grow in flower bulb beds, pull them by hand to prevent disturbing the bulbs and roots.

· Spray home fruit trees (apples and pears) before buds swell with dormant oil and when temperatures are not likely to drop below 40o for twenty-four hours.

· Spray peaches with Ferbam or Lime sulfur. No spray is needed for cherries or plums at this time.

· Fertilize trees, roses, shrubs and evergreens.

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